Sunday, July 10, 2011

Brand Balance

Last night I realized that I’ve created a brand that is different than who I am. Don’t get me wrong, inspiring and helping people is a HUGE part of my purpose, my passion and my existence…but my brand is far more uptight than I am in real life. Is this a good thing or a bad thing? I mean, I believe in being careful about what you put out in the public, because you represent your brand…but isn’t being authentic more important? Those that are near, dear and very close to me know that I have a HUGE personality. Sometimes I feel suffocated by self-imposed censorship like I’ve somehow trapped that huge personality in a very small container. I think that it’s time to unleash the true me…

-Just Me…Monica Marie


  1. I believe in being authentic. I had this same issue when creating my blog. Should I write formal dissertations on the perils of poor financial management, should I be myself or somewhere in between? I decided to be myself, write conversationally (for the most part) and people love it!

    This hit home once on a video I created that a friend told me did not represent who I was. He advised me to let my snappy remarks, hands on the hip, self come out and it worked. Authenticity is key to your brand, otherwise you create something you don't like.

  2. Great post Monica! Dorethia, you "know" I'm always doing something different.

    I honestly believe that I was put here on earth to share different ways of being (just kidding).

    There is so much pleasure in BEING ME! I am different + wonderful! I don't conform to the ways of the world (or my family/friends either) and it's okay. My being different is not always well received, but I figure there's enough people already doing it that other way and it's best for me to do it - My Way!

    I'm saying this proudly now, but it has been a long road to deciding that this "different way of being" isn't going away. In the past, self-censorship can lead to anxiety and loneliness. That’s no fun at all. But, I remind myself that I have a powerful contribution to make and that change is inevitable!

    This past week I took a step back from almost everything that mattered to me... in order to re-evaluate the current me, and what makes me happy. Today I started a personal blog and even convinced myself that it's okay to let my personality shine through our nonprofit blog.

    I'm making strides and know that my new venture with personal blogging will allow me to authentically Brand ME-- the mother, daughter, friend-- full of laughter, pride, and creativity. I have pledged to have a big hearty laugh daily, even when no one else laughs with me... I'll be ROFL!!
